Finding the Freedom You Deserve
As I approach my 30th birthday. I can’t help but wonder—why do so many people dread their thirties?!
I understand everyone has their life experiences, but when & why did 30 become THE age many people began to feel less than? As I age & meet more people, I’ve noticed, many don’t understand, adulting doesn’t mean you’re entitled to enjoy less.
Adulthood is merely the life we create for ourselves…so make wise choices. For some, their adulthood is centered around kids, spouses &/or careers… for others, it’s freedom & not losing sight of what one deserves. I say, no matter what category of adulthood you fit in, freedom should always be at the forefront…
“I’m on a mission to inspire
every soul that crosses my path, to give themselves more.”
Just like adulthood, freedom isn’t limited to one category. Your freedom may be financially, emotionally, intellectually or spiritually based.
The following list is a treat to your inner-self, in effort to build your own positivity & remove negative thoughts that may have caused a block to the freedom you unknowingly desire but wholeheartedly deserve:
Appreciate Yourself
Demand Your Respect, In All Things
Understand Your Own Standards & Never Go Below
Create a Work-Life Balance
Listen to Your Mind & Body by Serving Both
Take Chances by Experiencing Life, Don’t Just Live It
Don’t Run From Change
Do What You Want
Don’t Settle or Become Lost in a Routine
Make Sure Your Person, Is Your Person & Not an Act of Settling
Please know, freedom is not a state of perfection but it is the source that will help light the fire inside & take you on endless adventures. But in order to find it, you have to put yourself first.
Tell me, how are you finding your source of freedom?!