Relationships, Let’s Talk About’em
A question I’m asked about often (from women) is the “missing” page on my website about relationships. The first few times, I laughed and as I was asked more (the most recent being last week), I couldn’t help but wonder…Why do people search for relationship advice, topics & memes instead of searching for what may be lacking internally?
I’ve never once considered dedicating full content to love & relationships. Heck, I don’t even believe in relationship goals & I’ve never downloaded (or seen) a dating app. I think relationships can be one of the most simplest rides in life but it’s made difficult due to a lack of self-love, communication & honesty. That’s where issues usually derive from, which can cause a domino effect of other issues/pain & cause one to act out of character (which too many people find entertainment from).
So even if I were to provide an insight to the topic…I don’t think you’d find what you’re looking for…I’d just continuously advise you to take time with yourself to learn yourself & to stop fishing for love (or baes, sex, drugs…idk whatever you’re searching for), it’ll cross your path when you’re ready.
I’ve had a couple of special men in my life, I’ve also had lovely rosters of men & we all have a hilarious “how we met story!” A fun young story was at a school dance—a favorite to tell—the other was the arrival of a train—ahh what a beautiful scene for a movie…love at first sight?! I just knew he was my husband! Oh! I can’t forget the proposal...
thaaat had to make top 3… rich too…def more crazy though! LOL
I’ve got it! Maybe I should share weekly stories instead?!!! & open it up to subscribers to share their most omg stories anonymously?! I’ll find a way to meet the people halfway with this. I definitely prefer that direction versus giving advice about relationships because again…
I’d just advise you to take time with yourself to learn yourself & to stop fishing for love (or baes, sex, drugs…idk whatever you’re searching for), it’ll cross your path when you’re ready.
I’ll send this to those who asked & a few other peeps to see what they think.
Stay tuned!
3/11 edit: this will be for Instagram stories!!
This gif is dedicated to an old friend in Curaçao, who was present for my top story. Boy oh boy…this was us without a doubt!! xoxo