What I Avoid Before a Workout

Hii Friends! Many of you know I’m an early bird but my mornings are actually quite simple. Especially before my workouts! See five things I avoid before my morning workouts. Whether it be Yoga Practice, Running or Weight Training, I always avoid the following:

  1. Eating

  2. Pre-Workout

  3. Social Media

  4. Text Messages

  5. Caffeine

Beforeee I get into details, please know these are factors that work for me, so if this is part of your return it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. Every body is different & that’s okay. If you are interested in trying to remove 1, 2 or 5 from your morning routine, do it gradually. As for avoiding social media & text messages, I’m sure you can do this cold turkey, it’s all about exercising self-discipline!

  1. Eating: I wake up between 0445 & 0500 so food isn’t something I want to consume immediately. Some people refer to this as fasted cardio but my reason is simply because I’m not hungry. If I am hungry due to an early dinner the evening before, my fruit of choice is always an apple/banana with peanut butter & honey.

  2. Pre-Workout: this isn’t in my diet at all & I’ve never been interested. By now you all know how much I love reading INGREDIENTS & knowing what’s in my foods. Ingredients for pre-workout has a lot of gibberish that I don’t have the slightest interest in learning about lol! Furthermore, I prefer my body to burn natural energy, instead of depending on a substance.

  3. Social Media: the reason here is simple, to avoid distractions. Any mindless scrolling I’ve done on social media has been in the mornings or late at night. Which is why I have a timer set for my social media apps to lock. They unlock in the mornings but self-discipline has helped me avoid it without thinking about it. If I jump on to review a workout I’ve been wanting to try, I immediately screen record the reel/TikTok then swipe out.

  4. Text Messages: another distraction I avoid. My phone automatically goes on Do Not Disturb every night. I don’t check any messages until after my workout, unless I’m awaiting a response from someone, regarding plans for the day.

  5. Caffeine: this takes us back to #2! I prefer my body to burn natural energy, instead of depending on a substance. Yes, I love an extra strong espresso with hazelnut creamer but I rather have that after my morning routine. I don’t drink coffee daily, I love it but it’s not in my daily diet. I look at it as a treat, not a necessity.

What do you avoid before working out? Let me know!


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